Our Story

Do Good Now Founder with Dad

I loved playing board games with my Daddy.

A Tribute to My Daddy

Do Good Now is my tribute to my Daddy. From a young age, he taught me the importance of serving others now, not later. His simple yet powerful words, "do it now," echoed in my mind long after he was gone, inspiring me to turn his wisdom into tangible deeds.

Challenges to Serving with Young Children

When my children were young, we lived in Austin, Texas. I struggled to find opportunities to serve with them. It was important to me to teach my kids how to volunteer and serve others, as service fosters empathy, kindness, and a culture of giving within the family and community. But finding ways to volunteer with little ones in tow was a challenge.

Do Good Now Inspiration Dad

My Daddy holding his first grandchild.

Discovering Little Helping Hands

That’s when I discovered "Little Helping Hands," an organization founded by Marissa Vogel. Marissa was dedicated to finding volunteer opportunities for young children. Inspired by her vision, I became determined to bring the same spirit of volunteerism to every community we moved to.

Moving and Growing

As my children grew, we moved many times. Volunteering remained a core family value, but we missed the community we had with Little Helping Hands. Life was overwhelming during those years, and it was also during this time, that my beloved Daddy passed away.

Planting the Seed

Life will always be busy, but how “busy” looks will change over time. Deep in my heart though, the seed of service had been planted, and I knew I wanted it to grow. But how?

Do Good Now Official Logo
Do Good Now Logo Icon

My talented sister created our logos!

Do Good Now: A Legacy in Action

In tribute to my father's legacy, I began forming partnerships with organizations seeking volunteers and connecting eager individuals with opportunities in our York County community. I loved seeing our community of York County grow closer by helping each other!

A Catalyst for Change

With each connection made, Do Good Now evolved from a tribute into a catalyst for change. Today, we stand as a beacon of hope and action, with over 20 partnerships and countless opportunities for all ages to serve in their community.

Come Join Us

Make a difference—do good now!

Care Bags for Pathways

Care bags for Pathways.

Isaiah 117 Volunteer Event

Building community with Isaiah 117.

Planting Trees at Adult Enrichment Centers

Planting trees at Adult Enrichment Centers.

Womens Group Volunteer Nothing Pink

Making care packages at Nothing Pink.

Do Good Now

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