Hello Fall! It’s Back to School.

Welcome to Do Good Now! We are thrilled to have you here. Our mission is to empower you to make a positive impact in your community through volunteering. We believe people want to do good—they just need to know HOW.

Do Good Now Scarecrow at the Fort Mill Scarecrow Crawl.

New School Year, New Habits.

It is hard to believe summer is winding down and the smell of new school supplies is setting in! I know in our family, the new schedule and rhythm are welcome. And what a great time to include a commitment to volunteering in that new schedule! Life is busy and plates are full, but the gift of doing good for others is priceless and one you won’t regret.

How Do I Get Started?

Start small. Pick one volunteer opportunity a season, a month—whatever works—but make it happen! There are volunteer opportunities to share a specific gift you have through Pathways Learning Lab or gather a group and serve at The Life House. You can volunteer with your family at the Anne Springs Close Greenway or the Community Cafe USA food truck!

Need more ideas?

Check out all of our volunteer opportunities on our Volunteer page! If you have recommendations for other opportunities in York County, send them our way! We are always open to new ways of doing good.

Thank you for being a part of the Do Good Now community…YOU are making a difference!


Welcome to Do Good Now